You may want to bone up on your survival skills. Luckily, you’re in the best place to do this!
#1. In an emergency situation, drinking small amounts of salt water will keep you from dehydrating until fresh water can be found.
Drinking any amount of salt water will further dehydrate you and in larger quantities cause organ failure.
#2. It’s a good idea to build your shelter near what?
Staying near a source of water is a good idea when building a shelter. You should avoid natural hazards like cliffs and dry river beds.
#3. Which crucial need you should first address if you are lost in the woods during a thunderstorm?
Shelter from the elements is your first priority. Hypothermia can set in within 20 minutes, shelter will keep you from losing more heat and allow you to raise your body temperature. Once your shelter has been established you can focus on water, then food.
#4. Which symptom determines if you are experiencing SEVERE dehydration?
Dry mouth and a rapid heartbeat is a sign for moderate dehydration. Vomiting and diarrhea is a strong indication for severe dehydration.
#5. Insect larvae contains a lot of protein. Where are the best places to find these insect eggs?
Insect eggs can be found in moist areas under rocks and inside rotten tree logs or stumps.
#6. How long can a healthy human go without food as long as they have water?
A healthy person, properly hydrated, can last up to 8 weeks without food. This is not to say that they will be able to operate as they normally would with food. The starvation process will leave you without energy and unable to perform basic survival tasks.
#7. An insect diet can actually save your life by providing you with which of these much-needed bodily sources of energy?
The majority of an insect’s body is pure protein. Insects actually hold more than three times the amount of protein (for their size) as beef.
#8. On Average, How Many Days Can You Survive Without Water?
The human body begins severe dehydration, that leads to death in 3 days.
#9. Which of the following does NOT provide clues to help orient you toward true north?
Wind speed. While not precise directional guides, moss on trees and ant hills can help you to figure out what direction you’re facing. In the Northern Hemisphere, moss on the south side of trees will be thicker and greener because that side often gets more sun; ants often build their nests on the south or southeastern side of trees, where it’s warmer.
#10. Which of the following can kill you the quickest?
Sun exposure, frostbite and dehydration can take days to kill you, hypothermia happens in a matter of minutes.
#11. What do lush vegetation and swarming insects often indicate?
Plant life, insects, bird flight paths and animal tracks can all point toward water sources.
#12. What’s the LEAST important survival tool for a novice in a jungle scenario?
The ability to shelter yourself from the elements, start a fire, clear brush, defend yourself, and provide clean drinking water are the most important tools. A compass is a very important tool, however if you are lost, the most recommended strategy is to shelter in place for those who will be looking for you.