Stockpiling Food: Buy the Calories, Not the Servings!
Hi all, this is Samson B.K. I wanted to give you a few tips on how to get your best deal when buying survival food packages. The first thing I would like to do is to apologize for listing our food packages by time and by serving.
So why do you list the packages by time and serving Sam? I’m glad you asked that. The answer is simple. Our competitors list their products this way, so we felt the need to list our products this way as well to help shoppers compare similar packages.
The truth is; EVERY survival food producer has different serving sizes, calorie counts and estimations on how long each food package should last the “average” person or family. One thing I have learned over the years of stockpiling food is that I rarely fit into the average when food producers are considering how much food I should eat daily or per meal.
Buying Survival Food by Serving Size

Think about this. A can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup has two servings per can. Really? I don’t know about you, but I can knock out those two servings AND a grilled cheese sandwich in one meal. When it comes to serving sizes, survival food producers are no different from the regular food producer’s products that you buy at the supermarket.
So, it goes to reason, if you are stockpiling food and buy a survival food package based on servings, unless you are a starving super-model, you will be hungry each day or you will deplete your food supply sooner than you expected.
If you buy your survival food storage strictly by the amount of servings each package states, you should definitely over-estimate the servings, unless you are a starving super-model. This means that you will need to look at each package’s serving size for each of their food packages and add or subtract items based on their recommended serving sizes. However, there is a better way to buy survival food, keep reading.
Buying Survival Food Storage by the Recommended Time (i.e. 1 month, 3 months)
This is probably the worst way that you can shop for survival food, and once again, I would like to apologize for listing our survival food packages in this manner. If you buy your food packages by the producer’s recommended time per package, I can almost guarantee that you are going to run out of your food supply before the stated time that the food producer has allotted for that package.
Think about this. The food producers’ recommended time periods for their food packages are based on the amount of servings that each package contains. Meaning, if you buy a food package that states that it is recommended to last for 1 year, and you eat more than the recommended serving sizes, (which 85% of America does) you will deplete your survival food storage much faster than the time recommendations.
This means, if are stockpiling food and you are shopping for survival food packages by time, you will need to look at each of the package’s entree and breakfast servings to see how much food they allow per serving, and then add to that package to ensure you are not hungry each day.
Buy the Calories When Stockpiling Food
How many calories do you eat each day? The FDA bases all of their nutrition recommendations based on a 2000 calorie per day diet. So why do the Survival Food Producers and our competitors offer their pre-packaged food packages based on an average of 1300 calories a day? Many answers to that question as this phenq guide goes into detail about. We think that the answer is :
Simple, it helps them sell more food packages.
How to Buy Calories

If Dad eats 2000 calories a day, Mom eats 1800 and little Susie eats 1400 you have a total family caloric intake of 5200 calories. If you were to buy a package that is designed to last one month, say like this one, your family will only be protected for ten days, unless you are a family of starving super-models.
Now, if you want to make sure that you and your family is solidly protected for one month, and is eating the same amount of food that they are accustomed to each day, all you need to do is to multiply the family’s daily caloric intake by the amount of days that you would like to be secure. (5200 x 30 days = 156,000 calories)
Now, all we need to do is look for meal packages that have at least the total amount of calories that we will need to protect our family, say like this one.
You may say, “Hey Sam, the second package is nearly twice the price as the first one.” My answer is a resounding, “yes it is.” However, you are getting 3 times the food AND you are ensuring that you and your family not only “survive” a disaster situation, but you “thrive” in a disaster situation.
If buying the larger package is too much for your budget, simply back down the number of days that you want coverage for and add some a la carte items to extend the food life. Or you can add a separate package later on.
When is the Best Time to Begin a New Diet?
I’m a portly dude, who misses very few meals, so I am the wrong person to answer this question. However, I can tell you when the wrong time to start a diet is. When the power, water, AC and heating is out; you’re working on the house or yard; the kids are bored, out of school and stuck in the house. This is definitely not the best time to begin a new diet that cuts your calories in half.
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