MRE vs. Freeze Dried Food – Do You Know the Difference?
Do you know the difference when comparing MRE vs. Freeze Dried Food? One of the most common mistakes people make when considering food storage is the mistake that MRE’s and freeze dried food are synonymous, which they are not.
The first and most noticeable is the difference in how the food is eaten and prepared. MRE stands for “meals ready to eat.” MRE”s come in sealed packages of already prepared food that can be opened and immediately eaten.
These packages usually contain “heaters” that set off a chemical reaction and warm your food within minutes. MRE”s are the “ultimate” on the go food and were designed for our military for that very reason.
Freeze dried and dehydrated foods come in packages where the food can be “cooked” or “rehydrated” in the container that it comes in by adding boiling water, or in larger packages that you pull a specific portion size out of and “cook” in a separate bowl or pot with boiling water.
Freeze dried and dehydrated foods offer larger portions, a better variety of meals, and usually require 1 – 2 cups of boiling water to prepare.
However, the biggest difference is shelf life. Bulk freeze-dried and dehydrated food has a 20+ year shelf life. These foods do not require rotation and can be set on a shelf and literally forgotten for twenty years.
MRE”s, if stored correctly, have a 3 – 5 year shelf life. The best analogy that I can think of is that MREs are like normal canned food that you buy at the grocery store. Most of these foods have the same type of shelf life.
So, if you are considering using MRE”s in your survival food storage planning, you want to include them in the Short or Medium Term survival food storage category. You should rotate and consume these rations about every three years. When planning for “Long Term” survival food storage, it’s wiser and cheaper to use freeze dried and dehydrated foods
Anatomy of an MRE
MRE stands for “meal ready to eat” and is typically associated with the military, and as of late, hikers and campers. They are a self-contained meal that includes an entree, side dish, bread, candy or dessert, and drink. They are pre-cooked and sealed in a sturdy, compact pouch. The pouch is then sterilized using heat.
How Long Do MREs Last?
An MRE has a shelf life of 3-5 years, depending on the conditions of storage. MREs should be stored in a cool, dark place away from high temperatures and sunlight until ready to use. When storing them, always note the expiration date and be sure to add them to your food rotation to consume before the use by date.
Do You Sell “Real” MRE’s?
We get this question quite often and the short answer is, no. In fact, the Military has made it known to MRE producers that they are to draw a distinct line between civilian and military MERE’S.
This is because people are saving their rations while in service, or stealing their military issued MRE’s to sell on Ebay or Amazon. The truth is, they can get in some real trouble from selling real military MREs if they were obtained illegally.
Other Websites Sell “Real” Military MRE’s, What’s Up With That?
Real Military MRE’s do exist, but are not manufactured for the public. Meaning, if you get hold of a “real” MRE, it was probably sold as surplus to Army / Navy type stores or liberated from the Military.
The biggest problem with buying “Real” military MRE’s is the shelf life. MRE’s have a limited shelf life that is adversely affected when they are stored in temperatures over 80 degrees.
Most of the authentic MREs that you will find will be well into their production date, and if they were stored in places like Iraq, where the heat is brutal, you may be looking at a 6 month shelf life.
The truth is; you’ll never know if the MRE is any good until you open it. We advise our readers to steer clear of the “authentic” MREs, unless you have first-hand knowledge from where they came.
How Do You Prepare MREs?
MREs can be eaten cold straight out of the package, but they taste best when warmed. Here are the various methods of preparation:Put the unopened pouch in a pan of warm, not hot water to heat for 5-10 minutes and remove.
Remove the contents of the package and place in a pan or cooking dish and heat until warm. Lay the unopened pouch on a warm surface, such as a hot rock if you are camping. Allow it to absorb the heat before eating.
Heat the unopened MRE using a Water Activated Flame less Heater. The FRH is composed of powdered food grade iron, magnesium, and salt, which react with water and cause an exothermic reaction.
Typically, they come in a sealed poly bag which you cut the top off of, place the MRE in next to the heater, add water to the fill line, and let it rest for 12 minutes. After the time is up, the food is hot and ready to eat.
It’s very important to follow the directions on the flame-less heaters, particularly when removing the MRE from the bag, as it will be hot. The spent flame-less heater pad and bag are not reusable, dump out the water and dispose of them in the trash.
Buying MREs
There are numerous varieties of “meals ready to eat” on the market; they include full meals, sandwiches, and even desserts. You can purchase military MREs, civilian MREs, or private label MREs, depending on which one best suits your needs.
However, since most of these MRE food producers are geared up for military MRE food production, they rarely offer exact choices when ordering. Meaning, they will usually list 6 -8 different entrees’ and will guarantee a mix of these entrees, but not a specific selection of entrees.
What Should I Know Before Buying an MRE?
MREs can be purchased online, at military surplus shops, and at gun shows. However, you should follow these guidelines when purchasing an MRE to avoid getting a bad product:
Buy only from a reliable and reputable dealer. MRE packages offered on sights such as eBay may not have the freshest product, and the storage conditions of the case are usually unknown. This means that the product could have been sitting in a hot garage or damp basement for who knows how long.
Don’t buy solely on price, cheaper doesn’t always mean it’s a better deal. Take into account the calories provided by each meal and be sure to check the complete list of contents; no one wants to be stuck with cases consisting only of “tuna surprise.” MREs are usually sold by the case, and the variety of meals differs among brands.
Make sure that you purchase meals that you and your family will like. MREs are a great product for short term emergencies, outdoor activities, and as part of a well- stocked bug-out-bag. You can also include them in your survival food storage as a complement to long term food packages and canned goods.
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