#10 cans or Mylar Bags If you have been shopping for long term food storage recently you’ve probably wondered about the difference between food producers that use #10 cans or Mylar Bags. So I thought I would go over some of the differences to help you decide which one is best for you. Unlike most […]
9 Easy Steps on How to Start Homesteading Today!
How to Start Homesteading Today: Transition From 72 Hour Prepper to Homesteading Our homesteading efforts can best be described as accidental. When we left Southwest Florida for the Missouri Ozarks, we were not on a prepping or homesteading mission. We were just looking for a change of pace, a safer place to raise our kids, […]
Hurricane Preparedness Plan – Don’t Hesitate
Hurricane Begins Soon – Do You Have a Hurricane Preparedness Plan? If you live in any of the Atlantic states, hurricanes are a very real threat to you from June 1 to November 30, the official window that encompasses the Atlantic hurricane season. Over the past few years, we’ve seen that it’s not just the coastal states […]
How to Choose the Best Survival Garden Seeds and Avoid Dangerous GMOs
Survival Garden Seeds – Start Your Survival Garden Now So you’re ready to start survival gardening, but where do you begin? Step one is to adjust your mindset. Don’t think of it simply as one of your preps, but as a new part of your “normal” life. Survival Seeds are great to have, but if […]
A Quick-Start Guide to Your Hurricane Survival Kit
Build a Hurricane Survival Kit If you live in the Atlantic states or along the Gulf Coast and haven’t yet made preparations for hurricane season, now is the time to do so. Building a hurricane survival kit is a must for coastal people. Every year hurricanes cause massive amounts of damage, not just from the […]
How to Prepare for Disasters: Common Sense Tips for Survival
Potential Disasters and How to Prepare for Disasters There are many potential natural disasters and many ways to prepare for disasters like: flood, fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, hurricane, meteor strike, to name a few. In the last fifty years or so, we human beings have added or increased the potential for quite a few more […]
What is a Dirty Bomb: How Real is the Threat? – Facts and Threat Assessment
What is a Dirty Bomb? In simple terms, a “dirty bomb” is a conventional bomb (dynamite, C4) combined with radioactive components (powder, pellets) so that the explosion creates a cloud of radioactive material. That makes a dirty bomb in technical terms a radiological dispersion device, or RDD. It’s sometimes classified as a weapon of mass […]
EMP Event – Be Prepared for an EMP Attack
What is an EMP Event? In 1952, the classic science fiction movie The Day the Earth Stood Still depicted a moment when all the cars stopped, lights went out, radios went silent and telephones no longer worked. The filmmakers didn’t spell it out in the movie, but the cause was an EMP attack. An electromagnetic […]
Why & How to Become a Prepper: Living the Prepper Life
How to Become a Prepper After 9/11 my husband and I moved from Florida to rural Tennessee and began a “prepper” life on just five acres of land. We haven’t always been successful at what we’ve tried as we are constantly learning through trial and error and old fashioned research, adjusting our plans as needed. […]
How I Convinced My Wife to Become a Prepper
Become a Prepper: My Prepping Mindset Began with Dad I didn’t have to work too hard to become a prepper. I guess I was a bit of a prepper by birth. My dad grew up in a cash challenged household and successfully hunting for squirrels and rabbits was often the difference between having a good dinner […]