Far North Bushcraft And Survival is a Youtube survival channel that delivers informative survival videos on long-forgotten tricks and tips of the old-time woodsmen. Far North Bushcraft And Survival you will learn about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen.
Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in less than ideal “survival” situations as well. Come along and sit with me by the campfire as I delve into these subjects in a way that you can easily learn to then do yourself. I will show you how to make shelters, gather food, use wild medicines as well as start fires without matches, lighters, ferro rods, etc

BIG Annual Mens Winter Camp Highlights

Time Spent At Our Remote Alaska Cabin

Hot Tent Alaska Winter Campout

Hot Tent Too Cold? Make It Hotter With These Tips

Alaska Winter Camp And Skillet pizza

Camp Tent Wood Stove info For The Common Man

Wife And I Camped In Our Home Made Tent

The Incredible Bushcraft Usefulness Of Cordage With Toggles

An Alaska Solo Wilderness Campout

Heated Survival Shelter In The Palm Of Your Hand

Homemade Hot Tent And Stove Update - Did they survive the winter?

No Toilet Paper? Now What?

Dropping Problem Trees And Life At The Cabin

Windstorm Damaged Our Remote Cabin

At Our Remote Alaska Cabin

I’m trying to get a hold of Lonnie or Connie from Far North Bushcraft and Survival…
Hi Lonnie I’m Sean McDonald…me and my wife Connie love you 2…we were watching “How We Find And Experience Peace” episode and well we knew you were saved I could feel the Lord’s Spirit workin through you as you were kneeling before the fire with your wife Connie and pretty much every video you make He shines through and we LOVE you both for that…we are saved to and Lonnie…. brother…you don’t need to apologize for the way you feel as God is touching your great big ‘ol heart in the moment… I’m tearing up just writing this to you now (I tear up pretty easy too, I can’t help it…it’s Jesus bro, He shines through us and some people feel it deeper then others, it’s personal, just the way God intended it to be) God knows that by blessing you, someone or two will catch His message through you and Connie and be blessed as well and the Glory from that will return to Him…. we’re ALL just tools in the woodshed! LOL! Keep up the good work Lonnie and Connie and God bless you both… yours, Sean and Connie and Ruger too