Joshua Enyart is a former Army Ranger and Green Beret who teaches Emergency and Tactical Survival, Bushcraft, and Preparedness. He is the owner and lead Instructor for Flint & Steel Critical Skills Group, LLC, is an Instructor for the Pathfinder School, LLC, and an Instructor for Prepper Advantage. He specializes in the Eastern Woodlands from the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate NY down through the Appalachian Mountains in Georgia to the Coast of North Carolina.

New Year, New Website, New Adventures- 20% Off Starts NOW!
I have always said I am a better woodsma

Ghosts in the forest?
Ghost leaves are one of the best winter fire resources you can find. These ar

High and Dry!
Look up for dry tinder in the winter.
It can be challenging to find dry natural tin

Split wood or split shinbone?
These tips are essential when it comes to splitting wood for your fir

Which is more important, fire or shelter?
It depends on what type of environment you are planning f

The perfect bag doesn't exi...
I have been using this bag for over two years now and have no compla

Are you guilty of "post-holing"?
This happens when the snow is too deep to walk in without the prop

UNPOPULAR OPINION: Sutures have no business being in a wilderness first aid kit.
Unless you are a

The best day to start your diet isn't always Monday.
Unless the first day of Spring happens to be a

Do you already know these two knots?
Many people know the bowline, but few seem to know these two v

If Batman could Bushcraft...
He would rock this belt. Nobody knows better than him that having your

A huge thank you to all our Veterans out there from all of us here at Gray Bearded Green Beret!

And whyyy is his fire warmer than our fire, Toooodd?
All firewood is not created equal. BTU's are a

Sketchy water? Let the frogs be your guide

Green Beret Winter Survival #asmr #notalking #nature #findingpeaceinthegreatoutdoors #camping

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