Honest Reviews for common Outdoor Gear including tents, backpacks, tools and firearms. Solo camping and hiking adventures as well.
The Outdoor Gear Review has been set up for those who love nature, hiking, backpacking and adventure. Many tune into our channel because they wish to live vicariously through our videos and that’s completely understandable.
A little about myself : My name is Luke and I’m a family man first and an outdoorsmen second. While my heart is with my loved ones, my soul (inner Wolf) is out and about with nature. There is nothing like exploring the world that we live in and that fuels my desire see what’s around the next corner.
I started this channel/site to help others learn skills, learn about gear, enjoy and develop an appreciation for our planet.
Also, I hope to leave behind a video log of memories and experiences for my children so that they can enjoy the adventures that I too have enjoyed once I’m too old or passed on.

Everything is Frozen - Snow, Cold & Wind Camping in HUGE Tunnel Tent

The DD Hammocks and VARUSTELEKA ERAKKO Tarp - I Expected Much Better

No one should EVER Do What This Man Did : Man Dies on Mt Whitney While Climbing it On A Whim

I WON'T Be Seen - Walmart Weirdness - Stealth Camping at Walmart in the Rain and Snow

The World's Most Advanced Light - Outask Telescopic Lantern Review

BREAKING NEWS - The National Park Filming Ban Has Been Lifted

A Winter Storm Attacks - Heavy Snow & Violent Wind Camping

Can I 'Storm Break' the Teton Sports Mountain Ultra 4P Tent - Waterproof Test

Only $190 - Better than the Atmos AG? - Osprey Rook 65 Review

I Won't Be Seen - A Violent Snow Storm Hits While Stealth Camping

Impressive - I Found a Pad That's Compact + Warm + Comfortable - OneTigris DreamStar Air Mattress

Breaking News : Two BigFoot Hunters Found Dead in Washington

6" of Rain - With the Lightning, In the Storm, In the Heavy Rain - Cabin Camp

Unbelievable Sagging! - FireMaple Tropics 2 Tent Waterproof Testing

Excellent Value - Stanley Wildfare Go Two Bowl Mess Kit

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