The Hoss USMC is a YouTube survival channel that caters to the defensive side of survival. Most of his content comes from gun reviews, gun accessories, and other content related to the big wide world of weapons, firearms and SHTF defenses. This guy is definitely great if you are a gun owner and are looking at accessories or must-haves as a prepper for when the SHTF.

The Rifle Scope Reinvented!

The Daniel H9's ODD Trigger

Gun Statistics Don't Matter!

Same Parts. Same Material. Better Quality.

Handgun Decocker Benefits

Machine Guns for Civilians?

You'd Need an F-15 to END TYRANNY!

Rifle Designed by MAGPUL

There's USED GUNS in Them Hills!

Why Does GLOCK Get So Much LOVE?

The President's CCW

Are Firearms ALWAYS the Best Defense?

Appendix Carrying the SIG P320!!!!!

Skill Level Needed to Carry a Firearm

Canik Signature Series FINAL BOSS

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